Monday, April 20, 2009

Build Your Own Solar Power System For About $200

Solar Power Renewable Green Energy

Click Here for Michael's complete step-by-step fully illustrated manual + easy to follow videos that will have you generating your own electricity for less than $200!

Did you know it is now possible to build your own solar power system for about $200? Knowing how to create your own solar energy will give you the freedom to go fully off the grid. Or you can stay connected and when your meter runs backwards. get paid by the electric company.

Can you imagine sending a bill to the electric company?

In the past people ignored claims of creating their own solar and wind power out of fear of the costs involved. And yes, it can cost a lot of money to buy solar panels and wind turbines.

However, thanks to a backyard engineer named Michael Harvey, you can build an operational electrical generating system for around $200. According to Michael: “You can build a great looking solar panel for as little as $200 – with most of these parts can be found around your home or at the hardware store!

You can use this system to power up basically any appliance you have in your home: fridge, washing machine, computer, TVs, lights. Moreover, you can even take this with yourself when you go camping, because it's highly portable.”

Here are just a few reasons why you should consider building your own power system:

· You will save a ton of money in reduced energy bills from the big utility companies.

· Cutting back on carbon-based energy consumption is great for the environment.

· When you can make renewable energy for about $200, not doing so sounds silly.

· You will save money—which can be used for better things.

In short, using renewable energy sources is a smart thing to do. And now that it costs so little to get started, it makes sense for everybody to give it a try.

Solar Power Renewable Green Energy

The Pros and Cons of Residential Solar Power

Solar power renewable green energy

Click Here for Michael Harvey's complete step-by-step fully illustrated manual + easy to follow videos that will have you generating your own electricity for less than $200!

In Europe and other parts of the world, solar power already is a choice many people have considered, and in this time of environmental issues it is something we all should be considering to. If we look at the world we live in solar energy is something we should take very seriously. There are two kinds of solar power solutions, you can join a power company who deliver solar electricity from a solar power plant or you can use residential solar power. In this article we will go over the advantages and disadvantages of residential solar power.

There are many advantages to home made electricity and just one of them is the environment, if you are also concerned about the environment but would like to educate yourself and understand all the pros and cons the best place to start is on the internet. Online is the place where you can get information about how to switch to solar energy and what you need to do so. There are a few forums you can visit where people can talk about all kinds of renewable energy and there are also websites that provide you general information about alternative sources of energy.

Renewable and non polluting

One of the advantages is that it is a renewable resource. The sun provides you with energy even on a cloudy day, off course it cannot be utilized at night but during the day there will be plenty energy you can harvest, and it is available for free day after day.

Another big advantage is that solar energy is a non-polluting form of energy. The fact is that you will not hurt the environment in any way when you use residential solar power. And there are so many ways you can use it. You can build a residential solar power system on your roof and you can use other products powered by the sun that are very affordable, easy to install (no wires) and that will never ask electricity from the grid again. A very good example are outdoor lights for security and to light up your yard. You just need to install it and you will not need much knowledge for that and your good to go. A solar powered light can be the first step before you move on to a complete residential solar power system.

Home made power can be a real money saver

If you look carefully at the calculations you will see that a residential solar power system is a large investment, but an investment that will pay itself back after a few years. And eventually it will save you a lot of money. But this investment will immediate save you money on your power bill and that is something that we all can use in these difficult times.

Are there any disadvantages?

Yes, and one of the biggest disadvantages to residential solar power is that the investment, the initial cost of such a system can be a bit much for most people. But, when you see the overall savings that you are going to make, the choice becomes a lot easier. It is important to inform yourself about all the pros and cons of residential solar power before you make a decision.

At her website Unlike Normal Energy, Cathy Patterson, will provide you with all kinds of helpful information about residential solar power like, for example, the Solar Security Light.

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Solar power renewable green energy